Tuesday, April 26, 2016

P90X Chin-up Max – Pull-up Assist Band

P90X Chin-up Max - Pull-up Assist Band
The P90X Chin-Up Max is a training tool that provides assistance with pull-up and chin-up exercises. Used in conjunction with the P90X Chin-Up Bar, it helps offset your body weight so that you can work your way up to doing more unassisted reps of the exercises featured in the P90X and Asylum fitness programs. The P90X Chin-Up Max can be used with any chin-up bar. Benefits includes: Helps build a strong “V-shaped” back and muscular arms and offsets some of the weight your muscles must support. If you’re new to chin-ups, the P90X Chin-Up Max will help you work your way up to unassisted chin-ups. If you’re trying to maximize your chin-up reps, the P90X Chin-Up Max will help you complete more chin-ups after your muscles fatigue from unassisted chin-ups. Features include: Adjustable for optimal amount of resistance, two ways to adjust resistance in small increments: adjustable strap and removable band, safety hook, non-slip foot stirrup, Heavy-duty buckle for safety and support

stamina instride cycle xl(Stamina InStride Cycle XL (15-0120) - Fitness Direct)

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